Born in Germany, raised by the world – Eric Zaschke
A little bit
about Eric Zaschke
I am a globally successful IT Professional. I am a free thinker, expert in business communication and online marketing. Getting my first computer at the age of 5 made me understand binary. However, spending my time out in the world and working on great ideas with extraordinary entrepreneurs made me understand marketing and business. As a principle in social media and IT systems, I help people and enterprises to develop the next big thing. In other words, solutions that make their lives and the lives of their customers easier and more fun. Most importantly, I fluently speak the language of geeks and business people and I can translate between them.
Previously, I’ve worn a lot of hats – software & network engineer, privacy officer, medical product advisor, manager and strategist.
As a result, I have a unique ability to manage multi-disciplinary projects always wanting to encounter the new unknown. But actual experience has taught me that my professional value increases in the following:
I have helped businesses to not just improve but to become the best in their field. However, I am not a conventional specialist and I do not intend to become one. My focus is on understanding new technologies, as understanding means fewer missteps, and missteps cost a fortune.
In conclusion, I love making new acquaintances. Reach out if you want to talk technology, business or world travel.
Eric Zaschke
Globetrotter & IT Professional